
Thursday, August 7, 2008

Cake may be the answer to kids' egg allergy (Reuters)

A variety of mooncakes with different fillings are displayed for the camera at a hotel in Singapore September 13, 2007. (Vivek Prakash/Reuters)Reuters - To desensitize young children to their allergy to eggs, physicians from Greece say "let them eat cake."

Omega3 is a renowned nutrient with many health benefits. It is believed that people who get enough Omega3 fatty acids in their diet are less prone to heart diseases and develop fewer cases of high blood pressure. Scientists believe that it's one of the most important nutrients there are and a must have thing to include in your diet.

But how can you make sure you're getting enough Omega 3? Here are excellent natural sources:

1. Flax seeds and walnuts -- These are two excellent and tasty sources of Omega 3 fatty acids. Flax seeds contain a particularly substantial amount. One way in which you can create tasty dishes with these two sources is to purchase branched chain amino acid them in your salad or pour dmae bitartrate in your cereal bowl.

2. Fish -- Some fish are rich in Omega 3 fish oil. Salmon, halibut, and tuna are the 3 top fish that you need to eat. Again, there are a great deal of excellent dishes that you can make with these fish, making this one of those cases in which it's a pleasure to eat healthy.

3. buy caffeine extract -- Some beans are rich in Omega 3 fatty acid. Combine kidney beans or soy beans in your salad for an easy way to include them in your diet.

4. Tofu -- Tofu is also an excellent source of Omega 3. It's no wonder tofu is considered so healthy.

5. Olive oil -- Sprinkling some olive oil on your salad or other dishes will add to your Omega 3 fatty acids consumption. Extra virgin olive oil is the way to go, and make sure not to fry it. The fatty acids dematerialize upon frying.

When it comes to getting enough Omega 3 fatty acids, the trick is to eat fish a few times a week, and carry a small pouch of flax seeds or walnuts with you to work everyday. This will make sure you're getting the recommended dose of this important nutrient.

Click here to read more than 20 additional nutritional tips

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