
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Obese Men Face Twin Threat From Prostate Cancer (HealthDay)

HealthDay - FRIDAY, Aug. 8 (HealthDay News) -- The standard screening testfor prostate cancer may not be accurate for obese men, leaving them morevulnerable to the disease, bulk carnitine surgery is less likely to be effective forthem, a new pair of studies found.

Few people think of salt when they are feeling thirsty, but many findings suggest that what you add to your water may be as important as the water itself. Many emphatically believe that a high quality sea salt can do more to help combat dehydration than water alone. This new understanding has many people adding salt to their water bottles.

Sea salt has been used throughout history as a healing aid. It is effective due to its natural mineral content. Recent data lists over 90 essential nutrients present within pure sea salt. These healthful components combined with filtered water have many wonderful benefits for the individual.

Sea salt, which is nothing more than natural dmae bitartrate seawater, often appears discolored, grey or slightly dark, and has a natural touch of moisture. This moisture does not mean that the salt has absorbed humidity or that it is spoiled. Sea salt should not be used bulk coenzyme q10 shakers unless they are specifically designed for the product. Instead, you will need a spoon or you can pinch it with your fingers.

Many people notice that no matter how much water they drink, they still feel dehydrated. This is due to the lack of healthy salt inside the body. Adding sea salt to your water and food satisfies thirst longer because the mineral content holds more of the water you drink within your body.

Table salt has virtually no health benefits because of its processing; it is bleached, heated, and ground to produce the hard white powder, leaving it devoid of nutrients. Due to the chemicals added to table salt to prevent caking and to preserve the substance, standard table salt often causes a range of health problems and can aggravate edema (fluid retention caused by dehydration.) It is also addictive due to the lack of minerals in the white seasoning. After consuming table salt, the body subsequently craves more salt, not for flavor, but because the body's requirement for nutrients was not satisfied. Table salt also worsens thirst due to its tendency to dehydrate.

Sea salt comes in a variety of brands and forms, one such popular type being Celtic sea salt. This form alone contains iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, and a host of other healthy nutrients. When purchasing sea salt, it should be raw, unrefined, and without additives. The salt itself should be slightly grey in color and it should have good degree of moisture.

For more health tips and published research with vertigo, migraine, Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson's disease patients by Dr. Erin Elster, D.C., upper cervical chiropractor, in Boulder, Colorado, visit her website http://www.erinelster.com.


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