
Sunday, August 10, 2008

SAfrica slowly shakes image as AIDS pariah (AFP)

A nurse at an anti-retroviral clinic in Emmaus hospital in the town of Winterton, South Africa explains to a patient how to take anti-retroviral drugs in March 2008. Criticism spurred South Africa to launch a new national AIDS plan and national AIDS council.(AFP/Alexander Joe)AFP - The young HIV-positive mother takes bulk l carnitine deep breath as her name is called, scurrying behind the doctor who will tell her, after a torturous wait, whether she has infected her six-week old baby.

In GENERAL: Let's be blunt - physical activity increases you methabolism rate and tunes up your Proverbial human engine - while it is not a cure all it is the MAJOR source of health for many americans. A healthy physical lifestyle will transform anyone. You don't have to be marathoner to walk or a elite swimmer to waddle in the pool. This should be the first step in any life changing habits. If you smoke or drink - physical activity will help you curb both as drinking or smoking before doing physical activity is a definite no no. Incorporating physical activity within your lifestyle promotes good habits that will follow you all of your life. The benefits outway the efforts put into it.


Regular physical activity increases HDL cholesterol in some people. A higher HDL cholesterol is linked with a lower risk of heart disease. Regular physical activity can also help control weight, purchase msm and high blood pressure. Aerobic physical activity raises your heart and breathing rates. Regular moderate to intense physical activity such as brisk walking, jogging and swimming also condition your heart and lungs. Physical inactivity is a major risk factor for heart disease. Even moderate-intensity activities, if done daily, help reduce your risk. Examples are walking for pleasure, gardening, yard work, housework, dancing and prescribed home exercise. The more you can get the heart beating the better - this may be moderate walks for some to outright runs for others - but MOVING IS THE KEY.

Does tobacco smoke affect cholesterol?

Tobacco smoke is one of the major risk factors of heart disease. Smoking lowers HDL cholesterol levels and increases the tendency for blood to clot. In a nut shell - tobacco puts at least 300 foreign chemicals in your body - they all are not needed and WILL cause major damage to you body.

Does alcohol affect cholesterol?

In some studies, moderate use of alcohol is linked with higher HDL cholesterol levels. However, because of other risks, the benefit isn't great enough to recommend drinking alcohol if you don't do so already. If you drink, please do so in moderation. People who consume moderate amounts of alcohol (an average of one to two drinks per day for men and one drink per day for women) have a lower risk of heart disease than nondrinkers. However, increased and abusive consumption of alcohol brings other health dangers, such as alcoholism, high blood pressure, obesity, stroke, cancer, suicide, etc. Given these and other risks, the American Heart Association cautions people against increasing their alcohol intake or starting to drink if they don't already do so. buy bulk co enzyme q10 your doctor for advice on consuming alcohol in moderation.

Rmy-Marc Beauregard is an avid nutrition fanatic who's been giving out advice on managing your cholesterol, your weight gain , training, nutrition, and race enthusiasm for a good long while. healthylivingportal.info


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