
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Obesity levels in China rising fast, study finds (Reuters)

Obese patient receives acupuncture treatment from Chinese doctor at fat reduction hospital in Tianjin, China, March 21, 2005. Obesity levels in China are rising fast, with more than a quarter of the adult population overweight or obese. (Mark Ralston/Reuters)Reuters - Obesity levels in China are rising fast, with more than a quarter of the adult population overweight or obese. As people add more meat and dairy products to their diet, serious health problems can develop, a new study says.

We are all exposed on a daily basis to a number of chemicals and toxins which, when accrued over a period of time, can damage and harm our bodies. The natural detoxification system is usually able to handle cleansing our body of impurities; ye; from time to time it is important to help it do its job.

The detox kit useful in a healthy detox will vary from person to person; it also depends on the type you decide on. There are assorted ways in which you can detox your body or help develop its own detoxification mechanism.

The most popular detox kit, which we can all use easily, is the one that helps our own body boost its own detox system- that is eating the healthy foods our bodies need to function, like vegetables and fruits and for limited periods of time avoiding things like red meat, fried foods or milk that are hard on the digestive system. We should also drink plenty of fluids, especially water, which works as a flush-out for the whole body, plus exercising, which aids in cleansing the skin via perspiring the toxins out.

There are numerous other methods to detox your body, such as through herbal tea and supplements, in addition to specialized diets and spa programs. Commercial detox kits make it convenient for you to have enough of the tea or supplements on hand for the entire detox period, usually two to four weeks.

Following the instructions on the detox kit is vital in order for it to produce the expected results. Most people use detox for body cleansing, but it is also used for weightloss, for which you must also complete the cycle as per the instructions.

Regular exercise and healthy eating is key to having your bodys own detox system running in top form at all times. Plentiful fluids are needed year round, but especially in summer, when we tend to get dehydrated quicker than in wintertime.

It is advised that you revitalize your bodys detox system at least twice a year. You may either use a commercial detox kit, or ensure extra fiber, water and raw foods such as vegetables and fruits are part of your diet.

Learn to read your bodys signs and signals and you will be able to pick up on when you need to do a detoxification. Finally, make sure you go for regular check ups, which will also help you track your current state of health.

Visit medopedia.com for info on colon detox and detox centers.

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