
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Obesity may interfere with prostate cancer screen (Reuters)

A woman walks along the boardwalk in New York September 4, 2007. (Lucas Jackson/Reuters)Reuters - The test commonly used to screen men for prostate cancer may be more likely to miss tumors in obese men, a new study suggests.

Antioxidant buy pure l-arginine aketoglutarate aakg are preparations formulated to supplement vitamins and dietary minerals. They come in various forms and are usually specific for every person i.e special for women, men and children and for people with various illnesses like diabetes.

Everyone is therefore advised not to buy supplements blindly but, to consult a physician, who will in turn provide the best advice and recommend supplements according to your age, health and other factors.

Antioxidant Multi-vitamins are made with a cocktail of contents which usually form very complex products. Examples of contents include Vitamin C1, B1, B2, B12, potassium iodide, boron calcium carbonate, magnesium, magnesium sulphate etc. One can get the best of the product by ensuring that there are no synthetic ingredients and that the product has pharmaceutical GIMP compliance.

Antioxidant Multi-vitamins enhance and help to avert possible health threats of a growing fetus by providing frolic acid. It strengthen the bones of the elderly among many other countless benefits. However, many controversies have come up like the report presented Harvard's men health Watch which has linked the use of antioxidant multi-vitamins to the progression of prostrate cancer. They say that the presence of frolic acid although unproven, contributes to the development of the dreaded disease.

The journal of medical Association highly favors the usage of multi-vitamins and encourages every adult to use the supplements for a wholesome living. Multi-vitamins have been seen to reduce colon cancer and many people are on the fast-tract to market this very-much-sought after healers. In America, there are over 1,500 marketers for the supplements hugely creating awareness to consumers and in turn creating very huge sales for products both up-to-standard and counterfeit.

Antioxidant Multivitamins range from capsules, kit, liquid, chew able, wafers and a host of other forms of descriptions. These Multivitamins work by protecting our body cells from the harmful cells referred to as radical cells.

It is very vital to note that as one gets older, our dietary habits become compromised and it is wise to start early to counter the eminent problem.

Nutritionists have found that there is a fruit that contains the essential vitamins in huge quantities. The fruit is largely available but not so common to the everyday shopper. It is the grape fruit. The seeds are especially rich in vitamin and is a popular base for multivitamins.

Apart from enhancing our internal body functions, Antioxidant Multi vitamins are used to supplement beauty products because of their healing properties. Many People use these products to keep from aging; at least to keep the signs of aging undercover. This is a topic that is constantly being researched and much more is being discovered about these profitable supplements to our health.

Peter Gitundu Has Been Researching and Reporting on Vitamins for Years. For More Information on Antioxidant multi vitamin, Visit His Site at ANTIOXIDANT MULTI VITAMIN I Will Also Highly Appreciate Your Views On Antioxidant multi vitamin At My Blog here Antioxidant Multi Vitamin


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