
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Exercise-heart study casts doubt on 'fit but fat' theory (AP)

AP - New research challenges the notion buy AAKG OKG whole bulk online 250g 500g 1kg you can be fat and fit, finding that being active can lower but not eliminate heart risks faced by heavy women. "It doesn't take away the risk entirely. Weight still matters," said Dr. Martha Gulati, a heart specialist at Northwestern Memorial Hospital.

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All that is being shared here is from direct experience.

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Everything here not be available without Elysha's sharing's and continued love and support over these many years. Ever since buy turmeric powder extract Elysha, in February 2003, and the actual beginning of practicing Elysha's teaching, in May 2003, I had Grape Seed P looking for an anchor with which to solidify and bring consistency to my practice. This looking was not an overt manipulation or buy wholesale greentea pe just something which was always in the background. It was known that living in the natural state had to be easier than I was making it out to be.

Since the start I could feel the beauty and precision involved in cutting past the baggage and focusing only on the real, which meant that the Self / mindbody package was not being fed, and therefore at some stage it would die and fall away. It really did appear to be a hard and long process though. It seemed to only be through lots and lots of hard work that insights and breakthroughs occurred.

With this new seeing finally an easy anchor was found.

This is now being brought into the routine of others and is having immediate results.

You can find the freedom of your True Nature now. Visit Julie's website for the 'How To' E-Booklet. http://www.beyondselfnow.com


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